
Donny (Oldest Brother)
You know, I'm really, really glad to see that everyone here is somebody that my brother touched and loved and they loved him, thats

Allan yells, "Edmond never touched me",
Well, ha ha ha, but uh,

Yeah what can I say, I was stressed this morning I had slacks and dress shoes and everything else, I was all worried I wanna get dressed up I want to look good, this is for my Brother you know. I changed like 3 times, I kept going in there looking in the mirror and everything else and then I thought you know, What the hell am I doing this is for Edmond, for Edmond, he wouldn't care what anybody looked like as long as you showed up. So I came here and I changed and it's still hot, I'm still sweating.

One thing I know about my brothers and I want all my brothers to know this, I want to tell them now, not wait until something like this happens. A lot of us don't think about that until it's too late. I love and I care and I am so proud of everyone of my brothers. When we were kids we didn't know what we would become, what we were going to do, and where we were going to end up. I think we all did pretty damn good, we did really good, I'm proud of all of us.

Edmond, I'm really proud of him. He moved up to Oregon. He was a family member to Dan, Bobby and everybody up there, there was a hell of a turn out up there. It was great, that made us really proud and I see why he moved up there because he was loved by so many. So many people. He was always busy, always.

As for one of the stories I have since I'm the oldest. When Edmond was 16, I used to play darts all the time on a league, I played professionally. We were traveling around from club to club and I had a team and I was short a guy. I asked Edmond, come on come play with me and he said I'm too young, they won't let me in. I said yeah they will, your with me. He had hair down to here and was all yolked and everything else. He came in with me and nobody said nothing, not the bar maids, nobody said nothing.

So I'm up there playing darts, the first game he's playing with us and I'm playing and I look over and he's sitting there chugging a beer.

I go what are you doing, No!!!
He goes like this, [shrugs shoulders]
I'm like Ok One [raises one finger]
Edmond [Raises 2 fingers]
Edmond [Points to his beer] and whispers "This is 3 already."

Ok, we're going to get kicked out of here, this games going to be a forfeit. But anyways, it worked out and to my surprise, he hooked up with 3 of the waitresses there. The long hair, yolked up body, Edmond was always all that. I'll give him that, I don't care what anybody says, my brother was all that, if he says he can do something he can do it.

So here us 5, like me, I was always the logical guy tried to think things out before I did them and always worried about everybody else. Roy, he's the scientific approach to things, he needs facts and breaks everything down before he gives you an answer, normally takes about a week but he gets back to you. Then we got Allan, Allan is the guy that no matter what you got, he will take it on and he'll give it his best shot to make sure it comes out good. I'm proud of him for that, proud of Roy for that. Timmy, where is Timmy. Where's Timmy. There he is. Timmy is the guy that always followed up behind all of us and if we ever needed him, he was there. We can count on him to always be there.

Now Edmond, I want to say Rock but he wasn't our Rock, I want to say Anchor but he wasn't really our Anchor. If I had to sum Edmond up, he was our Tank. He was our Tank, all of us and everything and with him he was the one final piece that brought us all together.

He didn't let things get to him and he always told me everytime I asked him
"How do I do this, I'm thinking it threw I'm thinking it threw"
He said, "Bro, big bro, your over-thinking it. Don't think about it, just do it."
And that stuck into my head from him.
Evertime I start over-thinking something all I hear is "Just Do It."
"What's the worse that can happen."

So those are a few things that I know about my Brother and I love him and I always will and I will miss him. Until we meet again, I know he would want everybody here to enjoy themselves and have a good time because that's what he would do.