
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, Energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. The last time I saw Edmond, he was sporting about 350 pounds of pure Energy, in other words, he lived life to the fullest.

You know, growing up with 4 brothers and having a hard life, we all fought but I stopped picking on Edmond after a while because I knew he was just going to get bigger. We grew up and moved on, never lived in the past and always felt a bond I can't explain except that we are all connected and love one another.

Me and my Bro always competed and motivated each other. I would motivate him to lose weight and get healthier. In return, he told me I was too skinny, needed to gain weight and get stronger.

When I called him last December excited about reaching a new Personal Record at the gym, I asked if he could bench 300 pounds. He said, Whatever, not right now, but I've been there, done that. After that call, instead of feeling stronger than my brother, I learned something more profound. I learned that he had already reached that goal and no one can take that away. That helped me realize that everything we accomplish in life just adds to our experience and helps us grow, and not only in the gym.

Edmond also added to our experience. He loved his family and friends more than anything else. He made everyone laugh around him, he didn't care what others thought and wore the best costumes ever, and no matter how big he was, he always worked hard, went to the gym, ran mud runs, golfed, danced, played with the kids, road quads and dirt bikes. It brings me some peace knowing he was doing what he loved to do.

Another lesson I learned in life I want to share is about how we deal with pain because it helped me with my 30 year marriage. A while back I wanted to know and questioned how much my Wife Loved me. It was after an argument and like most arguments, it's a cycle of trying to make the other person understand by feeling our own pain. Then I thought to myself, if she feels that much pain, maybe that's how much she Loves me and I can measure Love by the amount of pain we feel for someone else. It was at that moment, I gave her a hug and said I'm sorry. So the next time we are hurt and might hurt someone we love, think about that and reach out and give them a hug instead, because that means, they love us.

I know we all feel the pain and loss of a Brother, Father, Son, Uncle and Friend, but I also feel so much Love here, and Edmond will continue sending us his Love and Light from above to help us get through this and we will because Love is infinite and conquers all.

Edmond would want us to Love Each Other, Live Life to the Fullest, make better decisions, learn from his mistakes and above all, just have fun and not take life so damn seriously. Don't let the Worlds problems divide us and let's do our best with the short amount of time we have left to prove him right, until we all meet him again.

In Light of Edmond's sense of humor, I have some phrases I think he would be saying right now and after I quote them, I want you to reply with his favorite quote for everything, and that is "Whatever".

"I'm lighter than you now Bro!", Whatever!
"I can bench all of you here combined.", Whatever!
"I'm the best looking Brother out of this world", Whatever!
"I can beat all of you here in a mud run", Whatever!
"I'm debt free", Whatever!
"I know what you all did last summer, and I look like an Angel", Whatever!
"I can out drive you on the golf course", Whatever!
"No one can beat me in a beer chug", Whatever!
"Let's play Cops and Robbers, you'll never find me", Whatever!
And Finally,
"I was the sexiest man alive, but now I'm the sexiest man in the Universe", Whatever!

Ride On Brother. We Love You.